If you wish to buy a car, but cannot afford to pay the monthly installment, what's the way out? Extending the loan period seems like one solution. This is what seems to be happening in the US right now. As per Moneynews, a growing number of Americans are looking to extend their loan terms for buying vehicles to as many as 11 to 12 years! As reported by Wall Street Cheat Sheet, one-fourth of new vehicle loans ranged from 73 to 84 months, up 27.6 % from a year earlier. In any way you look at this, it seems like a cause of concern and one that could lead to being a bubble situation. Especially considering that such buyers would end up paying a lot more in the form of interest payment; and could possibly face issues when it comes to trading their vehicles for a new model! Not to mention, this route is mainly being taken by people who don't have the best of credit records.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
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